Remodel: Concrete & Paint

Wednesday, 26 August 2009, 6:00am

By the 15th of June we were able to finally get some concrete down in the backyard. They divided the backyard pergola area into two concrete placements and placed the east side first. They were also able to get the pathway to the back half of the property. They were not quite done with the pergola when the concrete came, but we needed to coordinate everything to fit. Charlie was also anxious to get the hot tub installed.

They also were able to start painting the front of the house. The new white paint really made the front porch look really great and also with a touch of class. There were a few details and treatments done to the roofline to make it also very sharp and clean.

These are a few of the pictures I took on the 15th of June 2009:

Farook Khan

One thought on “Remodel: Concrete & Paint”

  1. WOW!!! Can’t wait to Party 🙂
    I enjoyed visiting with your family while we were in California. Just got back at almost midnight last night/this morning.
    Thomas wants to move back

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